Sharing our pets to enhance well-
Welcome! We offer educational enrichment, pet assisted therapy team training (private coaching) and Licensed Pet Partner Team Evaluations. We help prepare puppies/dogs and handler teams with basic manners and socialization that pups/dogs need to be happy, healthy and confident in real world and unfamiliar situations and environments.This doesn’t guarantee a pass at a Team Evaluation.
Visit Pet Partners (WA State) and Pet Partner Team Handler Course for information.
Visit Dog Talk LLC for information on private coaching. Email
Sign up for NEPP Connects to stay informed of events
Visit at NEPP Facebook and New England Pet Partner Team Forum at Facebook
NEPP You Tube or simply plug in New England Pet Partners
Please fill out New England Pet Partners Volunteer Opportunity Form indicating that you would like to volunteer at an event and/or team evaluation.
Team Evaluations require Team Evaluators and at least (3) Evaluator Assistants. We usually have a full-
Contact: Kath Delong
Team Evaluator volunteer opportunities give you the chance to meet experienced teams, participate, observe and assist at team evaluations.
Note: Team Evaluator Volunteers need to read the Pet Partner Evaluator Assistant Guidelines. When we hear from you, we will send you one or download here:
Pet Partner Evaluation Assistant Guidelines
NEPP Volunteer Opportunity Form
NEPP Events 2025 coming soon
Sign up for NEPP Connects to stay in-
NEPP Board Meetings -
By invite in-
NEPP TEAM EVALS Registration 2024
6/28 Team Eval Reg Form
10/11 Team Eval Reg Form
Team Eval Reg: This is a fillable form that we must have to organize the TE day. You will receive a confirmation with TE time. This is not a a 9 to 5 drop-
Join N.E. Pet Partners at Facebook
NEPP’s private team FB page is a good way to connect with teams and facilities looking for Registered PP Teams.
Contacts: or
For more events / photos / videos visit
New England Pet Partners -
New England Pet Partner Team Forum FB
and NEPP Connects