Sharing our pets to enhance well-
We Empathize!
The success of a pet assisted therapy program relies on planning, implementing the plan with approvals and creating a safe environment for Registered Pet Partner Teams to visit. New England Pet Partners assists teams and facilities to safely integrate pet assisted therapy for individuals and groups. NEPP BROCHURE / Pet Partners®
Programs provided by NEPP:
Provides opportunities for motivational, educational and/or recreational benefits to enhance a person’s well-
Animal Assisted Activities
Training and Registration
NEPP uses Awareness Centered Training (ACT), LIMA (least invasive, minimally aversive teaching. Maureen is a Board Certified Counselor, Professionally Certified Dog Trainer and Licensed Team Evaluator. Learn More
Dog Talk Media / Maureen Ross, MA
Animal Assisted Therapy is a directed intervention using dogs (other species) as catalysts to meet specific goals. In collaboration with attending health care professionals, AAT is delivered by a specialist, who includes pets that meet specific criteria to participate in the treatment plan. The team has expertise and skill with regard to human-
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Dogs can help improve children's reading and communication skills by using an empowering approach: reading to a dog! Dogs are registered and volunteer with their owner/handlers, as a team, visiting schools and libraries.
Animal Assisted Therapy